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服务范围 |
餐饮业 |
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中国 |
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贸易属性 |
外贸+内贸 |
销售方式 |
代销 |
My Amway water purifier, since I last learned about this water purifier, I always wanted to buy it. When I returned to my new home, I bought a special one! For the health of the family, in order to drink the water, don't hesitate to buy it! Especially when we live in the upper floors of 20 floors, we drink the second water supply, and with the little baby, I feel that it is very necessary to buy one! The water filtered by the water purifier can be eaten and drunk, and the harmful substances such as hey metals, bacteria and bleach are filtered out, but the trace elements needed by the human body are not filtered out~ so it feels good, filtered out. The water is very sweet, the taste is very good, the installation is simple, a small one! Is the price is expensive, you he to change the filter every year, the price of the filter is not cheap ~ but health is priceless, plant grass for the sweet potato! ! !